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IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre

Murungicarol's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I think it depends on how the resources have been provided. For example; in the provision of this form of support, has the government and or the concerned service provider been involved? If yes, at which stage of the project?

If the concerned stakeholders are not included from the beginning of the project, they feel left out and somehow they consider their efforts being undermined.

It is true that in most countries poor WASH services are mostly among other factors attributed to financial contraints. But, it has also been realised that even in some cases where finances have been provided, the WASH situation has not changed much. This is due to a number of reasons. Among these, is lack of involvement of stakeholders from the beginning of the project.

As long as the 'on-ground' stakeholders dont feel a sense of belonging during the implementation of a given project, even when the project ends, they cannot easily intervene to ensure sustainability of such services.

In conclusion therefore, I think the way and point (stage) of involvement of either the government and or local communities may (or may not) undermine their levels of commitment.

Caroline Murungi

Researcher in the field of Water and Sanitation

UNESCO-IHE, Delft-The Netherlands

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